A Slow Start to the Year…

Baleigh Shortreed
2 min readJun 9, 2021

Part 1: Student Organizations

To be quite honest with you, I have not joined a single club, organization, or group yet this year. Why? Well, I know that I should be involving myself around campus and making new friends, but honestly, I am not used to the amount of homework or how my scheduling process is effecting my life yet, so I do not feel that I have time for club right now. Originally, I had thought that I was going to join the Women’s Rugby Club team or the swim team, but I was too late for both by the time I got around to it; so now I am strictly focused on getting my grades up and to complete my goals for the year, some of which are listed for the semester in Part 2. I will more than likely join a club or organization once I have a groove of things, my grades are up, and I feel alright to proceed with a new thing in my crazy life here at the University of South Carolina.

Part 2: Goal Setting

I would like to showcase in this section here three goals I would like to accomplish by the end of the semester. The first is to finish all my class with at the very least a B, or higher. I find it becoming very hard to do so, since I am playing catch up due to an issue with my computer, which has now been resolved. So, to complete this goal, I am going to put a lot of effort into catching up on all my work, avoid missing any class for any reason, and to seek help if I need it in a specific subject.

The second goal, is to line a job or paid internship for the following semester. I have set aside an amount of money to last me to the second term, but it is quickly running out and I see now that I am going to need a job to help with daily costs, as well as to start chipping away at my debt for student loans. I am currently searching on Handshake.com for internships and jobs all around the University of South Carolina campus and the surrounding Columbia area.

The third goal, is to randomly do something fun and exciting every now and again. I know that might sound like a stupid goal, but doing things like this force me to do new things, have new experiences, and meet new people which all give me some form of anxiety. I tried this goal once, and wish to do it again just in different forms. One example was me randomly renting a Zapp scooter with friends, and doing randomly things downtown; it was exhilarating. Overall, I think both Pam and Hyuri can just help me out with these goals by our one on one discussion or just having a conversation about what is going on around town.



Baleigh Shortreed

Writer, Author, & Entreprenuer teaching you to advocate for yourself through written, verbal, and digital means.