Embarking on a Journey: 365 Prompts in a Year

Baleigh Shortreed
2 min readJun 12, 2023


As the middle of the year approaches, many of us set resolutions and goals to improve ourselves and our lives. Many of us have failed them. I am also one of them. I have both failed, gained, and succeeded at quite a few things on my resolution bucket list so far this year, but with another half a year to go, I wanted to really challenge myself. My thought was to complete 365 prompts by June 12, 2024 (exactly one year from the day that I write this). This journey is not just about writing, but so much more.

One of the main reasons behind this challenge is to become a more dedicated writer. Writing consistently, day after day, helps develop discipline and strengthens the writing muscle. By committing to this challenge, I am pushing myself to show up for my writing practice regularly, even when it may seem challenging or inconvenient. I shall be challengeing myself with journal prompts as my guide, especially that of shawdow and inner child work. Each prompt presents a new challenge, allowing me to explore various genres, styles, and perspectives. Through practice, I can refine my writing skills, experiment with different techniques, and find my unique voice.

I am also challenging myself to build a following here on Medium because of this challenge. I aim to grow my following and connect with like-minded individuals who appreciate and resonate with my writing. Throughout this year-long journey, there will undoubtedly be days when illness or other unforeseen circumstances hinder my progress. However, I am prepared to face these challenges head-on. On days when I cannot write, I will make a commitment to double up on blogs the next time I can. This flexibility ensures that I stay committed to the overall goal and maintain the momentum, regardless of any setbacks that may arise.

Embarking on the challenge of completing 365 prompts in a year is an exciting and transformative endeavor. By committing to this journey, I am not only striving to become a better writer but also cultivating discipline, expanding my audience, gaining valuable practice hours, and prioritizing my passion for writing. Through perseverance and a steadfast commitment, I am eager to witness the growth and progress that this year-long challenge will bring.This challenge acts as a reminder that writing is not just a hobby — it’s an integral part of who I am. By dedicating myself to completing 365 prompts, I am granting myself the freedom and permission to prioritize my writing aspirations.

LET’S TALK: Leave me a message or comment telling me what challenge you are taking on this year.



Baleigh Shortreed

Writer, Author, & Entreprenuer teaching you to advocate for yourself through written, verbal, and digital means.